Tale 2: Rescue Operation

Before the wars, Odyssey was an evolved galaxy. Expanded across planets. Everything was new… something so dreamed of among other nations was already a reality in Odyssey. Such scientific development made it clear to the magicians that man no longer needed help to follow his path, as technology made humanity find itself, and brought, in addition to the image of unlimited power, a new ethical concept to men, which would allow to them, according to the magicians, a journey to the central meaning of life – a poetic secret of the magicians. Thus, mysticism was no longer part of the reality of Odyssey, and over time, people turned the magicians and their stories into nothing more than simple and beautiful legends – magic being even taken by some as a religion.

Without magic to reign, Odyssey would need a political system to bring order. This was done, and governments and their diplomacies proliferated on each planet as Odyssey evolved, thus, in a short period of time, taking over the entire galaxy.

To better understand the strength of Odyssey’s political system, we need to understand what the function of Odyssey Central Command was: the place where representatives of all Odyssey’s military agencies and elements were packed together. Decisions made by political bodies needing any military element required the approval of Odyssey Central Command – however such a decision making was extremely rare. The few times that Odyssey needed these agreements were in cases of extreme urgency, such as the time when some UFO’s appeared on Odyssey’s radars and the commander of the Eastern sector, Ulmo Fredia Olick, was the one who commanded the military act that became known like “The Defense”, which was actually a direct attack on the ships. Such a politico-military act took place as soon as the entire galaxy of Odyssey was, in fact, taken entirely by men as their home.

Many eons passed, until through democracy it was decided that humanity would live much better with more space and resources and that famine and all other problems would be neutralized, and so a huge meeting was organized at Odyssey Central Command , such movement became known as Hidon-Fater. At Hidon-Fater it was decided that one of the Odyssey Central Command forces should select internal sectors and send them on exploration beyond Odyssey’s borders. And many of the sectors of the military force called the Earth Federation, Odyssey’s greatest force, were sent on the expedition in search of knowledge for future applications… in search of Odyssey’s light! Therefore, it was an honor for any man to be selected for the mission, it was a chance to be one of the protagonists of the greatest evolution of humanity, to be respected and remembered by all. This glorious thought motivated everyone a lot, but they were only the best men, the most conscientious, and these experienced soldiers did not let themselves be carried away by such illusion. The glorious men were all down to earth.

So the first reconnaissance fleet beyond Odyssey was about to embark on the journey. The fleet of dreams; the fleet of the unknown, not the frightening unknown, but the one that is perhaps worse, that provides a belief in it as dangerous as redemption to an illusion that seems as real as what the eye sees… and that, my friends, calls up optimism. The possible “good discovery” was very well propagated in everyone’s minds; from the hopeful optimists who always got along very well with stocks in the market to the lower-ranking warriors who weren’t chosen for the journey; all had hope for the betterment of people’s lives, hope for the Earth Federation; everyone had hope in Odyssey. On the day of the journey, it was possible to see from space the concentration of the people on the transmission from Central Command of Odyssey projected in the skies of Acrubates; the happiness and pride of the children who held the plastic rocket in one sweaty hand that they couldn’t even move to play, and their mother’s hand in the other so as not to get lost in that moving crowd that was about to jump and scream, simultaneously, for joy and hope, here are the excited people of Xödan.

Then the fleet went ahead, and you could see the pilots disappearing one by one with their ships when they reached a point similar to a glass wall that didn’t break as they passed, just outlined with a purple light the entire design. type of matter that passed through her. The parties lasted for a long time, but in the place of “healthy” curiosity came worry, as communications had been cut off. This was expected from the beginning, but the agreement was that, if communications were cut off, the pilots would have to return to Odyssey when the ship’s clock hits its time, equivalent to a week in Odyssey. However, a week passed, and no sign of the warriors was obtained. Therefore, the second Earth Federation reconnaissance fleet was sent: in this were located the agents of salvation; those who would go on a more serious and worrying journey, who needed concentration and seriousness, who needed soldiers to wait for everything. Well, that was also the protocol of the first mission, but the atmosphere was completely different for everyone, including Private John Timothy. Well, John really wanted to go on this mission to feel the pressure of being a true Earth Federation warrior, but he had to wait. That wait didn’t stop her tension from building too much. He kept thinking day and night about what it must be like to be there, in control of the ship, on the exploration mission, discovering what was new and witnessing all the wonders of universal nature, in the colors he would have the pleasure of knowing. John very much wanted to be there for the wonders liable to be found. Until the second fleet also took off in search of the soldiers’ salvation. Why, he grew much more tense, he couldn’t admit to himself that deep in his heart he felt relieved that he hadn’t gone on the second expedition. Therefore, his desire to train increased intensely. John felt he wasn’t a real soldier, and he was afraid this was real. By this time, he could no longer avoid the thought of the hypothesis that a greater evil reigned out there, and Odyssey’s most feared warriors had been caught up in that evil. An internal battle was brewing in John when he heard the news: only one man has returned from the second mission, and he has brought someone with him; a survivor of the first mission.

The news was revealed only to soldiers. As soon as he got the news, John began to think about the panic going on outside, and when insecurity practically took over his mind, he was called. As he walked, his legs were almost shaky, but he knew he couldn’t show any signs of weakness, so he entered a huge room with a huge number of soldiers. Frightened by the situation, John already expected what was to come, so he paid attention to what was said to everyone there: “Soldier, your duty is to serve Odyssey. Your honor today is to rescue a companion. There’s an evil out there, an evil we don’t know yet. Feel honored to have the opportunity to serve your purpose. You were the first to be warned of an impending war. Your mission today is not peaceful, you will have to fight, you will have to fight for Odyssey and the human race, so be prepared for anything, no matter what, rescue your comrades!”. Now, ships were made for the pilot and co-pilot. John’s companion would be Will Harry, who happened to be an old friend of John’s. Everything happened right away, and John was afraid, because he thought he was just a boy with mixed thoughts.

The day of take-off has finally arrived. Fear took the mind of John, who was co-pilot. When his ship took off, he watched as Odyssey’s vision diminished, it was extraordinary, you could see the entire galaxy when you looked back. In John’s mind, a movie was played, not only of his life, but of all lives, at that moment he was able to realize how small and insignificant it was, and it was there that he understood what the mission was all about: it wasn’t just of numbers, resources or space; it was about what he felt there, what purged him of his vanity, what made him put himself in his place while putting himself in someone else’s place, what did not allow him to be more afraid of dying, because the fear was enormous sign of vanity, that feeling was what everyone wanted to feel, even if indirectly, everyone needed it! Until, all of a sudden, the vision vanished and darkness reigned, it felt like magic. It was at that moment that John looked straight ahead and saw the huge and frightening Pulsar Empire, a portrait of fear and evil that almost made John forget what he had felt a few seconds ago. Well, “almost” because the glow of the crystal prisons illuminated the darkness amidst the majesty of evil and reminded him of the reason for Operation Rescue, the reason for that was freedom, everything revolved around freedom. Seeing those lives trapped there, with the sign of agony and fear on his face made John think like beyond a human being again, made him think like a soldier. All that mental expansion in John’s life was what made him, not just a great soldier, it made him a Defender of Liberty, a defender of the right to be able to celebrate with his wife and son the luck to come back alive from the war , at least once more; an advocate of the duty of compassion; a defender of true democracy and the good it brings, a campaigner for the right to life. Then, the sync of the legendary duo “John and Will” began when the two looked at each other for a second, took a deep breath, looked at the crystals, and Will sped up to full force when he said, “This is for freedom!”

Your odyssey starts now…