Halloween Odyssey Special

A door opens, and as soon as you enter the Mansion, it closes. You are now locked and to escape this nightmare you must find a way out in the attic. A torrential rain falls outside and you are not alone. The game Nightmare (Nightmare) was one of the last Philips cards for our Odyssey, the game, however, was only distributed in the European market, ornamented by beautiful high resolution graphics and great sound effects. But what could be more mysterious than an old mansion haunted by terrible ghosts?

In this Halloween special by Odyssey Brazil, you will know the story of Peter Courtney and, still, you will be able to enjoy in The Vault, the debut of the Nightmare game and try to escape unscathed.


Nossa história se passa no Reino Unido, no início dos anos 80, mais precisamente em 1982. Peter Courtney era, como a maioria de nós, também garotos na época, fascinado por videogames e boas histórias de fantasmas. Por que não unir essas duas paixões, pensou Peter, que então criou um conceito para uma aventura numa casa Mal Assombrada! Após confeccionar alguns desenhos com explicações e escrever as regras para o jogo, Peter enviou seus espectros para Steve Newbold, gerente de Marketing da Philips naqueles dias. Branco como se tivesse visto um fantasma, foi assim que nosso pequeno herói ficou em 6 de abril de 1982. Uma carta contava-lhe que sua ideia havia sido aprovado por Newbold e havia sido enviada para os especialistas em tecnologia em Eindohoven, Holanda.


More surprises would come in little Peter’s way. On May 19 of the following year, 1983, Christer Medin, then Software Manager, in the Netherlands, added Peter, a new missive informing him of great interest in the game’s development. The letter also informed the happy boy that the project had been forwarded to the Philips software group for technical verification and approval of the consumer survey. However, the house’s evil curtains prepared a sad and bitter ending to Peter’s story.


Months later, Nightmare hit European shelves, and you, dear reader, must be imagining the joy of our little hero. Well know, odysseyros, a haunted house and always a place where uncertainty hovers and Courtney remains haunted to this day with the fateful outcome of the story. Peter doesn’t get any credit for the creation. Distressed, the boy wrote again for clarification. And the following year he received the last shovel of lime: a new letter from Steve Newbold. In this letter, Newbold recognized the similarity of ideas and concluded with one: Great minds think alike! And since that day, Peter has never turned on his Odyssey… And you? Ready to live a nightmare? Visit the Vault and good luck!


Cover of the Nightmare game released in Europe.

In Nightmare, the player controls a visitor to a haunted mansion. The objective is to escape it through a constantly moving opening in the attic. Your job will be hampered by the ghosts that are still wandering around the house. The player has to climb three floors to reach the attic, and there is a ghost for each floor.

Ghosts are invisible when crossing the walls of the house. Although invisible, they are harmless, so they have to be made visible to catch the visitor. They will become invisible again if they cross the walls of the house again. If they catch the visitor, he will lose one of his lives. But once the visitor passes the ghost’s floor, the ghost will be paralyzed and can be captured by the visitor.

In addition to ghosts, other dangers threaten the visitor. A storm is happening and lightning strikes the mansion, creating balls of electricity that will roll across the floor the visitor is on. Flashes will also make invisible ghosts visible while lightning strikes. Also, the visitor cannot stay still for long or a trapdoor will open and he will fall through losing a life. To make things even more difficult, there will also be an obstacle placed randomly blocking the visitor’s path.

The player starts with three lives and gains one each time he escapes from the mansion. As the player earns points by reaching the attic or capturing the ghosts, the game becomes more difficult. The number of obstacles increases and the exit is invisible unless the player captures a ghost. At higher difficulty levels, capturing a ghost will not be enough, as the player will also have to obtain the floor plan of the house, which appears in a chest after capturing a ghost.

The game can be played by 2 players, one of them controlling the house ghosts.

Click here and play NIGHMARE on ODYSSEY VAULT